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My Blog. My Art. My life.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Too... many... ideas...

Gah! I've been bitten by the creativity bug (Insipriationonus Creativitus) and have about a million projects I want to work on. Problem is that I don't have the time. Well, I do, but the big problem is that I want it all done at once. At present I've been creating an animation to put up on my YouTube account. It isn't finished yet and already I'm itching to get started on the next animation project, but I'm trying to get into the habit of finishing things before moving on. The other idea that's recently popped into my head is to write an episode guide to my Dog Of War series. Yes, that's right. An episode guide to a series that doesn't actually exist. That's how obsessed I am with my ideas. Mind you I'm only half thinking about it. I wouldn't mind getting it commercially published, but the idea of an episode guide based off something that doesn't exist may be difficult to convince someone to publish. Oh well. We'll see.

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