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Friday, March 31, 2017

12 Months of Dogs Of War - April (Peter)

Yes, as you can see from the date on this picture, it's an older one. I don't think I've put this one up on my blog before, but rather my Tumblr.

Oh why oh why did I name this character after myself? Ego? Well, he's not entirely named after myself, but the damage has been done regardless.

So this is Peter Edgewood - the character who I have developed more back story for than all the other Dogs Of War characters combined, to the point where I've even developed a prequel series that follows his origin story. Pete has gained way too much favouritism from me over the years. He's the smartest of all the characters, the best soldier and the best dog breed (Border Collie, naturally). Many episode story-lines have revolved around him which has been annoying - Stylene's supposed to be the central character so if anything the focus should be more on her.

Pete's the outsider whom the Halo Blades Squadron find early on and recruit into the team. He's the one that provides all their high tech equipment (including the battlesuits as you see here). Pete was subjected to a cliche at a young age (ie orphaned) and other misfortunes which has left him wary when it comes to making friends. Though over time he does warm up to his team mates and becomes a potential love interest to Stylene.

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