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Friday, March 24, 2017

12 Months of Dogs Of War - March (Josh) 02

Josh ended up a bit skinnier here than he's supposed to be. Oh no! Don't tell me I'm regressing to how I originally drew these guys!

Anyway, here's Josh donned in his battle suit and with his machine gun weapon of choice. He does on occasion use a rocket launcher, but is most often found with his MG.

I have sometimes wondered if  the Halo Blades' (that's the name of the good guys. I don't think I've mentioned this on my blog, probably because I fear the name sounds a little silly. But I'm not changing it, so there!) suits should be different colours for each member. When they have their helmets on, it can be tricky to identify who's who. I have tried to distinguish each member by having a special emblem (which you can see on the left side of the breast plate) but that may not be clearly visible in the heat of battle. Having the suits different colours might make it easier, but I would be limited by a restricted colour palette (ie colours practical for camouflage, etc)

When I was first coming up with battlesuit design, each member of the Halo Blades (screw you, that's what I'm calling them!) had a completely different suit design to each other, both in shape and colour. Becoming increasingly tired with having to come up with a new design for each character, I decided to standardise it and colour it grey.

They did start off being completely clad in rigid armour (the grey bits) but was later altered so the midriff section was the more flexible kevlar-like fabric (the darker bits) as well as the shoes. This was mainly to make it easier to animate.

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