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Saturday, November 11, 2017

12 Months of Dogs Of War - November (Damocles)

This is Damocles Swenorstiki. He is a wolf hailing from Sweden, so I would like to start by apologising to all Swedish people as his surname was completely made up as something sounding vaguely Scandinavian. One day I'll do some actual research into Swedish surnames, so sorry for this insensitive glossing over of your language and culture. 

To begin with I named him 'Rondache', which is named after a defensive shield I saw in the PC game Diablo 2, but later changed it to Damocles. Yes, I know 'Damocles' isn't Swedish either, but it's a name I like and my excuse is that he was conceived while his parents were holidaying in Greece - they chose 'Damocles' as a homage.

The influence of naming him Damocles came from the Mechwarrior computer games (Mechwarrior 3 Pirate's Moon if I remember correctly). There has been quite a bit of subconscious influence from the Mechwarrior/Battletech franchise. In addition to Damocles, Sledge's (disused) surname of Twycross also came from there as did Stylene's surname of Arkon (though it's spelt 'Archon' in Battletech lore).

That blob of red next to the date in the first pic is a poppy flower. It is Remembrance Day after all.

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