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Sunday, March 29, 2015

DoW Vol1 page 13

The first draft of this page was a little different. After being told someone's already attacking the base, Stylene looks up to find the fight is over and everything hostile has been taken out. I changed it to them watching the fight in progress, for a couple of reasons. I felt it was important we actually see Pete and Sarah fighting, as it shows not only to Stylene and the others but also the audience that these are powerful individuals. It also allowed me to add on a couple more pages and I was always looking to extend the graphic novel as when it was first finished, it came up a bit shorter than I had hoped.

You may have noticed the APC on this page and that it wasn't present on the third panel of the previous page, even though it probably should have. This is what I was saying yesterday about how it would have been better to have spent more time in the layout phase as I could have avoided continuity errors like this. Sure, I can go back and fix it, but right now I can't be bothered.
Also, the tops of the shipping crates could probably do with some detail, rather than just flat colour.

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